Reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions
Reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions

There s a 10-turn wait just to get on the reservation list. However, Celowin s inquiries are met with derision from Tregdhsh Mul, the maitre d, who informs brave Celowin that All the tables are filled. Consider the following example: The fighter Celowin Silvershield, fresh from rescuing the castle from demonic hordes, has worked up an appetite and seeks repast in the Inn of the Snooty Salamander, a tavern of high repute. In all cases, dealing with the shopkeepers, clerics, guards, herdsmen, cheap trollops, and other castle inhabitants should be expensive and exasperating, calling upon the DM s observation of the most petty and unattractive aspects of human nature. Whatever the reasons, no citizen of Castle Greyhawk is inclined to cooperate with the party unless doing so would be to the NPC s advantage. Quallfylng this convenience, however, is the general attitude on the part of most NPCs toward strangers. Indeed, the castle contains nearly every luxury the PCs might desire. An early effort on the part of Herzog Akitrom to interest adventurers in settling at Castle Greyhawk, in combination with an understandable craving for security, spurred the Herzog to hire alchemists, sages, trainers, and many others whose professions might serve a party of adventurers well. The compound is the home of about 150 NPCs. The gatekeeper is a crotchety old man who will demand a toll of 40 gold pieces less one for each point of Charisma of any females in the group desiring passage. The wall has one gate, on its southern face. Should a guardsman see something amiss, he will shout for help 2Ĥ before rushing to attack. The wall is patrolled by 14 members of the castle guard (one myrmidon with long bow and broad sword every 100 feet see the description of the guard below) who scan both inside the compound and out. Thus it confounds rock to mud spells and it produces unusually strong defenses (80 defense points per 10-foot section). The wall itself consists mainly of unworked metals (iron, lead, and perhaps some copper and zinc) with a brickwork covering. The clearing extends in all directions from the compound for 500 yards, and the castle guardsmen are frequently called upon to clear away any woodland encroachment.

reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions

Otherwise the cas- tle is surrounded by a clearing, whose tall grasses are poor and damaged by the usually inclement weather. The only building outside the wall is a stables next to the southern gate. The wall is circular, 25 feet high with a diameter around 400 feet. and Description of the Cast1.e Castle Greyhawk is more properly a walled compound that encloses two great towers and the Citadel Union, a semicircular building positioned so that its rounded side faces away from the towers. Wherefore this invasion? Someone must find out! A Layout. Most disturbing of all, however, is the mysterious flood of fiend- ish monsters and ghastly creatures that has inexplicablly overrun the proud dungeons under the castle. But hold! The druids of the Golden Bough (in retaliation for the Herzog s Fireball Fun in the Forest program for visiting mages) are pummeling Castle Greyhawk with ferocious predators, tragic agricultural disasters, and hodc weather effects. As the Player Characters begin their adventuring, the Herzog is currying the favor of three VIP guests and all seems to be going well.

reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions

He has initiated an intense campaign of advertisement meant to encourage worldly powers such as the Queen of Celene and the petty nobles of the Wild Coast to send daring settlers to the lands about the castle.

reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions

3 The self-proclaimed Herzog Akitrom the Merely Worried is the latest in a long line of lords of Castle Greyhawk.

Reign of kings map stormwall cardinal directions